At Total Recall in Hugo, MN, July 10 & 11, Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, BN, RN, DCAT, ACT1, RATS, RATI, OSD, CGC, TKE] earned her Beginning Novice Obedience title as well as her first two legs of Rally Intermediate.
At Soccer World in Rochester, MN, July 3-4, Jeep TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, RN, DCAT, ACT1, RATS, RATI, OSD, CGC, TKE] qualified in 8 out of 10 events earning her level one titles in Standard, Handler Games, and Fun Games.
At the Front Range Scent Work Club in Longmont, Colorado. (March 7-8) Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, SBN, CGC, TKI] qualified and earned his second leg in novice exterior with a 1st place, and also qualified in novice buried with a 4th place on Saturday. On Sunday he qualified in containers for his second leg and a third place and in interiors with a second place for his second leg and in buried with a first place which earned him his buried title.
At For The Love of Dogs, Mendota Heights, MN, Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned 50 pts towards her Crazy Eight title.
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] received notification that she is a qualifier for the AKC National Trick Dog Competition. All qualifiers received a commemorative trophy and paperweight. Winners will be announced in December.
At the Douglas County Fairgrounds Event Center in Castle Rock, CO. (Oct 31-Nov 1) Quasar [LadySlipper's Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, CGC, TKI] earned a leg in Novice Exterior (3rd place) Saturday, and a leg in Containers on Sunday (4th place). This gives him a leg in all four elements for his Novice Title (Buried, Interiors, Exterior and Containers).
At the Iowa Events Center in Mason City, IA Jeep[TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] ran her first official FastCat in 10:22 seconds.
Held in Denver, Colorado Quasar [LadySlipper's Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, CGC, TKI] earned his Open Jumper's with Weaves title (JWW).
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her Melody title in the Poised for Success Freestyle Program. Melody is the second level in the program and requires three legs, one each in Handling, Technical, and Artistry. Jeep is the first Keeshond to earn this title in the PFS program. This is her submission for her third leg (Artistry).
Held in Cambridge, MN at the Isanti Fairgrounds Sept 12-13 Saturday: Venture [Ch.LadySlipper’s Silver Moon Escapade] went BOW and finished his championship. Trek [Am/ Int'l Ch LadySlipper’s Rodnberry Warpfactor 4] was select dog Whiskee [LadySlipper’s Moonshine] was 3rd place Open Bitch Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] was 4th place Open Bitch Sunday: Trek [Am/ Int'l Ch LadySlipper’s Rodnberry Warpfactor 4] was select dog Lexie [Int'l CH LadySlipper’s Fortuna] was 3rd place Open Bitch Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] was 4th place Open Bitch
Greeley,Colorado Sept 5-6, Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI, BCAT] earned his BCAT title qualifying in 3 runs with times of 10.05, 9.47, and 9.01 seconds!
Estes Park, Colorado Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI] qualified in both Buried and Interior classes in his first scentwork trial.
Held at On The Run in Ham Lake, MN Sadie [Ladyslipper’s Cavalier Plumed Hat CL3, SBN] earned her Scentwork Buried Novice (SBN) becoming the first LadySlipper Keeshond to title in scentwork. Buried Searches: The Buried search element simulates the task of Human Remains Dogs to search for scents that have been buried under the ground. Buried Novice Class: Six lidless containers (such as plastic bins) will be placed in the search area, in two rows of three, at least 36 inches apart . The search area must be at least 150 but not more than 200 square feet. Each of the containers will hold at least three inches of sand or soil, and one of those will have the scent vessel containing Birch, buried two inches down. The dog has two minutes to locate the target scent and communicate the find to its handler.
At the Apex Field House in Arvada, Colorado, Quasar, [Ladyslipper's Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI] qualified in Open Standard with a second place which finished his Open Standard title. Watch Quasar's Run.
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her Overture title in the Poised for Success Freestyle Program. Overture is the first level in the program and requires three legs, one each in Handling, Technical, and Artistry and provides the building blocks for more advanced levels. Jeep is the first Keeshond to earn this title in the PFS program. You can watch her submissions on her YouTube channel.