At the Front Range Scent Work Club in Longmont, Colorado. (March 7-8)
Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, SBN, CGC, TKI] qualified and earned his second leg in novice exterior with a 1st place, and also qualified in novice buried with a 4th place on Saturday. On Sunday he qualified in containers for his second leg and a third place and in interiors with a second place for his second leg and in buried with a first place which earned him his buried title.
Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club AKC Scentwork
At the Douglas County Fairgrounds Event Center in Castle Rock, CO. (Oct 31-Nov 1)
Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, CGC, TKI] earned a leg in Novice Exterior (3rd place) Saturday, and a leg in Containers on Sunday (4th place). This gives him a leg in all four elements for his Novice Title (Buried, Interiors, Exterior and Containers).
Vizsla Club of America AKC Scentwork Trial
Estes Park, Colorado
Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI] qualified in both Buried and Interior classes in his first scentwork trial.
Miniature Pinscher Club of Greater Twin Cities AKC Scentwork Trial
Held at On The Run in Ham Lake, MN
Sadie [Ladyslipper’s Cavalier Plumed Hat CL3, SBN] earned her Scentwork Buried Novice (SBN) becoming the first LadySlipper Keeshond to title in scentwork.
Buried Searches: The Buried search element simulates the task of Human Remains Dogs to search for scents that have been buried under the ground.
Buried Novice Class: Six lidless containers (such as plastic bins) will be placed in the search area, in two rows of three, at least 36 inches apart . The search area must be at least 150 but not more than 200 square feet. Each of the containers will hold at least three inches of sand or soil, and one of those will have the scent vessel containing Birch, buried two inches down. The dog has two minutes to locate the target scent and communicate the find to its handler.