At Total Recall in Hugo, MN, July 10 & 11, Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, BN, RN, DCAT, ACT1, RATS, RATI, OSD, CGC, TKE] earned her Beginning Novice Obedience title as well as her first two legs of Rally Intermediate.
FKPS CPE Agility Trial
At Soccer World in Rochester, MN, July 3-4, Jeep TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, RN, DCAT, ACT1, RATS, RATI, OSD, CGC, TKE] qualified in 8 out of 10 events earning her level one titles in Standard, Handler Games, and Fun Games.
PFS Melody Freestyle
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her Melody title in the Poised for Success Freestyle Program. Melody is the second level in the program and requires three legs, one each in Handling, Technical, and Artistry. Jeep is the first Keeshond to earn this title in the PFS program. This is her submission for her third leg (Artistry).
PFS Overture Freestyle
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her Overture title in the Poised for Success Freestyle Program. Overture is the first level in the program and requires three legs, one each in Handling, Technical, and Artistry and provides the building blocks for more advanced levels. Jeep is the first Keeshond to earn this title in the PFS program. You can watch her submissions on her YouTube channel.
DMWYD Canine Conditioning & Fitness
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her Do More With Your Dog Canine Conditioning & Fitness Level Four Title. Jeep is the fourth Keeshond to earn this title.
NADAC Agility Video Course Runs
Jeep [TDCH LadySlipper’s Star of Might, ACT1, CGC, TKE, PSD, RATS, RATI] earned her first NADAC Intro Hoopers Leg (ITC) via video run submission.