At the Front Range Scent Work Club in Longmont, Colorado. (March 7-8)
Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, SBN, CGC, TKI] qualified and earned his second leg in novice exterior with a 1st place, and also qualified in novice buried with a 4th place on Saturday. On Sunday he qualified in containers for his second leg and a third place and in interiors with a second place for his second leg and in buried with a first place which earned him his buried title.
Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club AKC Scentwork
At the Douglas County Fairgrounds Event Center in Castle Rock, CO. (Oct 31-Nov 1)
Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, CGC, TKI] earned a leg in Novice Exterior (3rd place) Saturday, and a leg in Containers on Sunday (4th place). This gives him a leg in all four elements for his Novice Title (Buried, Interiors, Exterior and Containers).
Front Range Agility Assoc of Denver AKC Agility Trial
Held in Denver, Colorado
Quasar [LadySlipper’s Fly Me To The Moon OA, OAJ, BCAT, ACT2, CGC, TKI] earned his Open Jumper’s with Weaves title (JWW).
Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association AKC FAST CAT
Greeley,Colorado Sept 5-6,
Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI, BCAT] earned his BCAT title qualifying in 3 runs with times of 10.05, 9.47, and 9.01 seconds!
Vizsla Club of America AKC Scentwork Trial
Estes Park, Colorado
Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI] qualified in both Buried and Interior classes in his first scentwork trial.
Greater Denver Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club AKC Agility
At the Apex Field House in Arvada, Colorado,
Quasar, [Ladyslipper’s Fly Me to the Moon ACT2, NA, NAJ, CGC, TKI] qualified in Open Standard with a second place which finished his Open Standard title. Watch Quasar’s Run.